Download OpenCV from http://opencv.willowgarage.com/
If CMake is not installed, install it from http://www.cmake.org/
The OpenCV distribution does not include MSVC binaries. You will need to compile them:
Create a directory for the build, for example: C:\opencv20\build
Start cmake-gui, select the opencv source directory and the build directory
Click "Configure" twice, and "Generate"
cmake should create a visual studio solution called OpenCV.sln. Open it.
Select build/build solution (F7)
Right-click on the INSTALL project, and click "build". That should be it!
Everything should be ready to compile Polyora. Run cmake-gui and select the Polyora source directory.
Click on "add entry"
In Name, enter: OpenCV_ROOT_DIR
In Type, select "PATH"
In Value, enter the OpenCV build directory (for example: c:\opencv20\build)
Click OK, Configure, and Generate. You should obtain a Visual Studio project file called polyora.sln.
Open polyora.sln and select "Build Solution" from the "Build" menu.
Generated on Tue Mar 30 15:53:25 2010 for Polyora by