visual_object::annotation | |
bidir_pipe | |
BmpFactory | |
BmpVideoSource | Load a sequence of images using a "printf" pattern |
ParamSection::BoolParam | |
bucket2d< T > | Fast access to 2d points within a limited range |
id_cluster_collection::cluster_dist_t | |
cmp_str | |
Corners | |
visual_object::correspondence | |
CSampleGrabberCB | |
db_keypoint | |
DC1394 | |
Dc1394Dialog | |
DC1394Factory | |
kmean_tree::descr_file_packet | |
patch_tagger::descriptor | |
kmean_tree::descriptor_t | |
yape::dir_table | |
DistortParams | |
ParamSection::DoubleParam | |
DShowCB | |
DShowCBFactory | |
DShowFile | |
DShowFileFactory | |
tkeypoint::factory_t | A tkeypoint factory |
tframe::factory_t | Frame factory, useful for deriving the class tframe |
ttrack::factory_t | Ttrack factory to let the tracks structure use subclasses of ttrack |
FlyCaptureFactory | |
FlyCaptureVideoSource | |
tracks::frame_iterator | Frame iterator |
fvec4 | Represent 4 float values for SIMD operations |
GLBox | Image + OpenGL widget |
patch_tagger::grad2polar_entry | |
patch_tagger::histo_entry | |
id_cluster | Histogram |
id_cluster_collection | |
id_pair | |
incremental_query | |
IniParser | Parser object for .ini file |
IniSection | Represent a section in a .ini file |
ParamSection::IntParam | |
IplTexture | Represent a texture in video memory, with optional caching |
bucket2d< T >::iterator | |
vecmap< _Key, _Data, _Compare >::key_compare | |
keypoint | A 2D feature point as detected by a point detector (yape for example) |
tracks::keypoint_match_iterator | Temporal iterator for keypoints with a track |
kpt_tracker | Scale-space feature tracker |
kmean_tree::mean_t | |
mlist_elem< T > | |
MPlayerFactory | |
MPlayerVideoSource | Calls 'mencoder' to decode movies |
MSERDetector | |
MSERegion | |
kmean_tree::node_t | |
OpenCVFactory | |
OpenCVVideoSource | Proxy for OpenCV's cvCapture functions |
ParamSection::Param | |
DC1394::Params | |
ParamSection | The [ PARAMETERS ] section basically contains a collection of "keyword = values" parameters |
ParamSection::ParamVisitor | |
ParticularVSFactory | Virtual class used to represent a particular video source factory |
patch_tagger | |
pic_randomizer | |
point2d | Basic 2-D point, in float |
pre_allocated_alloc< T, N > | |
pt | |
pyr_frame | Stores a frame with its pyramid image |
pyr_frame::pyr_frame_factory_t | |
pyr_keypoint | A keypoint detected in a pyramid, with orientation, scale and description |
pyr_keypoint::pyr_keypoint_factory_t | |
pyr_track | Collects track statistics for incremental cluster matching |
pyr_track::pyr_track_factory_t | |
pyr_yape | Pyramidal YAPE (Feature point extractor) |
PyrImage | Multi-resolution pyramidal image |
patch_tagger::random_node | |
incremental_query::ranked_cluster | |
pre_allocated_alloc< T, N >::rebind< U > | |
SampleGrabberCB | |
score_kpt | |
TaskTimer::SelfIncl | |
ParamSection::StringParam | |
SyntheticViewPath | |
TaskTimer | |
tframe | A frame in the tracks structure |
Timer | |
tkeypoint | A point integrated in the "tracks" structure |
tracks | A structure for storing sparse tracks of points |
ttrack | A ttrack is a set of tkeypoints showing the same physical point on successive frames |
upair | |
vec4_32i | Represent 4 integers of 32bits each for SIMD operations |
vecmap< _Key, _Data, _Compare > | |
VideoSource | Video source abstraction class |
VideoSourceFactory | Constructs valid VideoSource objects |
visual_database | A database of visual objects |
visual_object | Entry for an object database |
vobj_frame | |
vobj_frame::vobj_frame_factory_t | |
vobj_instance | |
vobj_keypoint | |
vobj_keypoint::vobj_keypoint_factory_t | |
vobj_tracker | |
vobj_tracker_view | |
VSView | |
yape | YAPE feature point detector |
zint | |